What Is the Best Kids' Wooden Toy You Have Built?

Reader Contribution by Heidi Hunt
Published on September 18, 2009

I know — it’s only September, and December 25 is a looong way away. But if you plan on making any holiday gifts this year, it is time to start planning. You’ve seen the ads on TV for the dad who is frantically finishing up a project at 2a.m. on Christmas Eve — you don’t want to be that person!

When my brother was about 3 years old, my dad carved a rifle shape from a 2by4. He attached a clothes pin to the top, making it a fancy rubber-band gun. I can see my brother in his cowboy hat, with the “gun” lying across his arm and a big smile on his face. I was frequently the target of those flying rubber bands.

Kids have played with wooden toys since there were kids. It is a natural material to craft into so many shapes. You can find lots of kids wooden toy plan ideas – from dump trucks to a backyard slide — from the archive pages of MOTHER EARTH NEWS magazine. But whether you follow one of these patterns or one from your imagination, a toy made by you for that special child in your life will be a memorable gift.

Have you created a wooden plaything for a child, either from a pattern or your own imagination? If so, tell us about it in the comments section below.

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