How to Tap a Maple Tree: Tips for Beginners

By Rich Finzer
Published on July 8, 2013
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Find everything you need to know about backyard sugaring and making your own maple syrup in “Maple on Tap.”
Find everything you need to know about backyard sugaring and making your own maple syrup in “Maple on Tap.”
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Every sap collection system shares two common elements — tapping maple trees and collecting the sap.
Every sap collection system shares two common elements — tapping maple trees and collecting the sap.
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The drilled lid and straight tubing connector.
The drilled lid and straight tubing connector.
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The lid and connector assembled plus the tubing and “Y” connector. The plastic tubing can be a bit stiff at times. To soften the ends before attaching it to the connectors, a quick dunk in some hot water helps.
The lid and connector assembled plus the tubing and “Y” connector. The plastic tubing can be a bit stiff at times. To soften the ends before attaching it to the connectors, a quick dunk in some hot water helps.
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The completed lower assembly.
The completed lower assembly.
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The upper tubing lengths and taps — looking a little like a stethoscope.
The upper tubing lengths and taps — looking a little like a stethoscope.
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The homemade “half n’ half” collection system doesn’t spill and keeps the ants out.
The homemade “half n’ half” collection system doesn’t spill and keeps the ants out.
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Made of clear plastic and topped with a snap on lid, these plastic jugs possess many of the same positive attributes as the cooking oil jugs.
Made of clear plastic and topped with a snap on lid, these plastic jugs possess many of the same positive attributes as the cooking oil jugs.
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An old-fashioned metal spile and a more modern 7/16 inch plastic tap.
An old-fashioned metal spile and a more modern 7/16 inch plastic tap.
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Installing a classic metal spile.
Installing a classic metal spile.

Reap the sweet rewards of making your own maple syrup from the trees in your backyard. With the practical advice and step-by-step instructions in Maple on Tap (Acres USA, 2013), you will master sugaring while saving valuable time and money. Author and experienced syrup-producer Rich Finzer shares how to tap a maple tree using his easy and successful collection system in this excerpt from chapter six, “Tapping and Sap Collection.”

You can purchase this book from the MOTHER EARTH NEWS store: Maple on Tap.

When tree-tapping time finally rolls around in your area, every amateur maple syrup maker has four challenges to combat: wind, inclement weather, insects and a big-time commitment dedicated to sap collecting. As I now begin my 22nd season of sugaring, I’m struck by how many mistakes I made when I first got started tapping maple trees, as well as how many time- and money-saving techniques I have now learned from these many years of experience. So here are a few important points to keep in mind when you’ve decided to take the plunge and “sugar off” for yourself.

How to Tap a Maple Tree: Sap Collection Systems

Every sap-collection system shares two common elements: tapping maple trees and collecting the sap. Everyone must tap his or her maples to release the sap, and there must be some kind of container to collect the sap as it drips out. But as a backyard or small-scale producer, you won’t be running a tubing network attached to a vacuum pump. Instead, you need to think about your sap collection on a small scale, with the emphasis on economy, simplicity and practicality. Your goal is to minimize or eliminate having to transfer sap from one container to another, and to accumulate enough to boil. So I am going to share four basic methods you might pursue, along with the costs, pitfalls and benefits associated with each. I’ll use our 24-tap operation as the measuring stick with which to compare all of the different collection systems.

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