Hobby Space Workbench

Dedicate a spot to your hobbies and projects, and then craft a built-in workbench to manage those creative jobs with ease.

By Jake Lasorsa And Hannah Kincaid
Published on September 8, 2020
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by Jake Lasorsa and Hannah Kincaid

If you have a craft or hobby that you work on regularly, then you know how helpful it is to have a designated space where you can create. At our house, we’re passionate about using homegrown herbs to make natural body care products, primarily soaps and steam-distilled floral waters. Both projects can get messy, and we got sick of the materials infringing on our living space.

We needed a designated room where we could store our materials and work on projects in peace. After assessing our basement and our spare bedroom, we ultimately decided to convert our tiny, one-car garage into a hobby space that we now call our “herb shed.” Our herb shed includes a built-in workbench, storage, windows that overlook our garden, and herb-drying racks. Because it’s outdoors, we can use our propane-powered camp stove for distilling and canning, and our garden hose provides water. We absolutely love working in our herb shed, and with a few simple steps, you can also convert an unused room into a creative space.

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