Try This: DIY Gift Box

By Melody Miller And Allison Tannery
Published on December 7, 2012
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Turn an empty cereal or pasta box into a handmade gift box in this easy DIY project.
Turn an empty cereal or pasta box into a handmade gift box in this easy DIY project.
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Place your fabric on top of the box, fusible side down. If the box has a slick side, it will be best to adhere the fabric to the opposite (nonslick) side. Make sure the fabric hangs over all edges of the box evenly. Iron down.
Place your fabric on top of the box, fusible side down. If the box has a slick side, it will be best to adhere the fabric to the opposite (nonslick) side. Make sure the fabric hangs over all edges of the box evenly. Iron down.
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Make vertical cuts in the fabric between each tab to separate the tabs from each other. Then make two horizontal cuts on each side to separate the side panels from the top and bottom tabs.
Make vertical cuts in the fabric between each tab to separate the tabs from each other. Then make two horizontal cuts on each side to separate the side panels from the top and bottom tabs.
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Use scissors or a craft knife to shape the short, diagonal, side edges of the top and bottom flaps.
Use scissors or a craft knife to shape the short, diagonal, side edges of the top and bottom flaps.
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Try reusing and decorating an oatmeal container or coffee tin.
Try reusing and decorating an oatmeal container or coffee tin.
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Ruby Star Wrapping by Melody Miller and Allison Tannery features 30 easy-to-make gift wrapping projects that you can create using common materials in your home.
Ruby Star Wrapping by Melody Miller and Allison Tannery features 30 easy-to-make gift wrapping projects that you can create using common materials in your home.

In Ruby Star Wrapping, authors Melody Miller and Allison Tannery inspire you to think resourceful, reusable and unusual when it comes to gift packaging. Their 30 easy-to-make gift wrap projects illustrate how to create beautiful, reusable packaging from the common materials in your home. This project for a DIY gift box comes from chapter 2, “If the Gift is Small, Soft or Squishy.”

We love how easily an empty box from the pantry can become such great gift wrap. Cereal, pasta, hot chocolate, breakfast bars, crackers, popcorn, cookies—the variety of boxes is endless. One of our favorites is the toaster pastries box from Trader Joe’s (Melody’s kids love these, so there’s always a box available). This past Christmas when we had prototypes coming out our ears, Blake and I used a cereal box to give our parents homemade photo books, which no, are neither small, nor soft, nor squishy, but worked nonetheless! Note: Very few grandparents can resist entire books of their grandchildren. Easy + impactful + inexpensive = SCORE.


• Empty food box from your pantry

• Fabric scraps

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