Convertible Camper Bed: Turn a Pickup Into a Camper

A reader's ingenious yet simple method of installing a convertible camper bed in her pickup truck

By E. J. Bess
Published on August 1, 1998
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Use 1/4" lag bolts with corresponding washers to join all 2 x 4s. Nail plywood to 2 x 4 frame with 40 common 1 1/2" nails. A. Lag bolt (we suggest galvanized hot dip bolts all around) to truck bed from the outside using fender washers on all three legs. B. Three snap hinges (one on each post) will keep the bed folding smoothly. C. Two snap catches should be used (one on each side of the table).

E.J. Bess of Tigard, Oregon, recently sent us this nifty little space-saving project that immediately had us all thinking of ways we could “convertible-ize” other pickups. She reports that, “By building a convertible DIY camper bed in the back of my 1969 Ford pickup truck, I have hauling capacity but can turn a pickup into a camper as needed.” We were convinced and quickly scratched our heads and wondered why we didn’t think of it first.

My living quarters consist of a bed that can be put up during the day and lowered at night for sleeping purposes. While the bed is in the up position, I have a foldable shelf under the bed which can be used as an eating table or a simple shelf. You can install as many tables as you find convenient.

I wanted the bed large enough for comfort, so I built it as wide as I could and still be able to pivot it up vertically above the wheel well.

DIY Camper Bed

The truck bed was in excellent condition, so I wanted to avoid drilling any unnecessary holes in the original metal when mounting the fold-up bed to the inside of the truck. Fortunately, I was able to use existing holes to mount the support legs.

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