Small Adobe House Plans

Create your own DIY adobe house with these small adobe house plans. This step-by-step guide includes information on creating the home foundation, making adobe bricks and detailed diagrams and materials list.

By Hi Sibley
Updated on October 1, 2022
article image
by AdobeStock/Andrew Bayda

Create your own DIY adobe house with these small adobe house plans. This step-by-step guide includes information on creating the home foundation, making adobe bricks and detailed diagrams and materials list.

Building an Adobe Brick House

Lick the material shortage by building an adobe brick house; adobe bricks are made of stabilized soil, it is as durable as concrete and much more interesting.

Once again, we’re pleased to roll the clock back 30 years in order to reprint another in our series of articles by Hi Sibley (see “100 Concrete Blocks Per Hour” in MOTHER NO. 45 for the first in the series).

Hi, in case you’ve never heard of his work, was living a MOTHER-type life of do-it-yourself adobe houses, organic gardening, homestead bees, and like that away back at the end of World War II. And not only living it . . . but writing about it in a great number of magazines. Unfortunately for us all, more folks back there in the late 40’s were more interested in big cars, city jobs, and new homes in the suburbs . . . than were interested in Hi’s subjects.

Now that so many of us are rediscovering Mr. Sibley’s way of life, though, we think it’s only fair to honor the man who was 30 years ahead of his time by again publishing some of his down-to-earth gems one more once. This — the first of a two-part article — originally appeared in the February 1947 issue of Mechanix Illustrated (copyright 1947 by Fawcett Publications, Inc.) and is reprinted by permission.

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