Build a Backyard Corn Crib

By John Vivian
Published on June 1, 1999
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Trusses are assembled using an A-shaped marked on ply floor.
Trusses are assembled using an A-shaped marked on ply floor.
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An easy-to-build corn crib that won't cost a bundle.
An easy-to-build corn crib that won't cost a bundle.
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Expanded construction diagram.
Expanded construction diagram.

Here is a scaled-down version of an old-time, hopper-shaped, slat-sided whole-corn crib that you can build inexpensively.



1. Locate an area that is level, sunny, open to wind flow, handy to fields or garden and house and within the mowed area of the homeplace.

2. Lay out a 4′ x 8′ rectangle of sod, with long side facing prevailing wind.

3. Dig out sod and loose topsoil inside rectangle. With stakes, line level and plumb bob, dig soil surface at corners and at midpoint of long sides so hole bottoms are all on the same level plane.

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