How to Build A Sundial for the Garden

By Sam Muller
Published on February 1, 1996
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A. Measure and mark a 4 by 4 by 8 pressure-formed, treated post.
A. Measure and mark a 4 by 4 by 8 pressure-formed, treated post.
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B. Calculate the dial angle, cut and check with a square
B. Calculate the dial angle, cut and check with a square
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The sundial face.
The sundial face.
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D. Predrill hole to 1-1/4 inches
D. Predrill hole to 1-1/4 inches
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E. Set time, then mark final position of flange and screws.
E. Set time, then mark final position of flange and screws.
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C. Locate the center of the sloping face.
C. Locate the center of the sloping face.

Build a sundial for your yard or garden, the ultimate in simple, practical technology for just a few dollars. (See the sundial illustrations in the image gallery.)

How to Build A Sundial for the Garden

Before there was the murderous regularity of a daily
schedule, before there was the clicking, buzzing, chiming,
and ticking of time, there was the sun and a shadow to mark
the passing of the day. A stake driven into the ground was

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