Tom Stephan, Raptor Habitat Technician and Arborist – Biographies – MOTHER EARTH NEWS

By Tom Stephan and Barn Owl Boxes
Updated on August 9, 2019
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Tom Stephan, Raptor Habitat Technician and Arborist

Occupation: Raptor habitat technician, Tree-soil relations arborist

Background: More than half a century ago, Tom’s grandmother worked diligently to bring absent bluebirds back to her Ohio lane. Her efforts were successful and not long after, she became president of her local Audubon chapter. Inspired by his grandmother’s attraction to birds, Tom soon learned to identify all the local birds in the canyons of La Jolla Shores.

His interest in birds of prey began in 1962 while conducting research for a his second-grade wild animal report. Tom came across a 1940 National Geographic article written by falconer and biologists John and Jean Craighead. Their story of trapping, training and hunting with falcons captivated him and began a lifelong enthusiasm for raptors.

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