Tammy Trayer, Wilderness Survival Instructor and Homesteading Radio Host
Occupation: An oxymoron in their off-grid wilderness setting, Tammy Trayer is a web designer and programmer by trade, but her passions are writing, educating, and helping others. Tammy is a wife, mother, author, freelance writer, speaker, photographer, videographer, creative, radio show host at Mountain Woman Radio, educator at TrayerWildernessAcademy.com, homesteader, off-grider, advocate for autism, advocate and survivor of breast implant illness, and lover of life! Tammy and her family also sustain themselves on their God-given talents selling their handcrafted wares on their website and locally.
Residence: Northern Idaho
Background: Tammy and her family can be found at TrayerWilderness.com, where they share their faith-led preparedness, off-grid, and homesteading lifestyle with the world. Tammy and her family embarked on an off-grid journey a decade ago, traveling 2,500 miles to a raw, overgrown wilderness property they purchased sight-unseen and set up a wall tent that they called home for 8 1/2 months while they built their off-grid homestead. On Good Friday of 2020, they sold their labor of love and are embarking on their new off-grid journey: starting once again from the ground up building a unique tiny log cabin — and Tammy would like to take you along for the ride!
Tammy is often found sneaking off to a wilderness setting with her iPhone and Bluetooth keyboard, where she finds her greatest inspirations surrounding her. Tammy has been quoted saying, “She requires an IV to the outdoors and is as solar-powered as her off-grid homestead.” She is an avid hunter and apprentice trapper. She loves being in her kitchen cooking, baking, and creating new recipes, as well as making soaps, candles, and their own natural products and natural medicines. When Tammy is not behind a keyboard or doing something on her homestead, she is found spending valuable and quality time with her husband and family in the wilderness somewhere. Tammy and her family embarked on their off-grid journey a decade ago to find simplicity, freedom, and to give their son, Austin, 13 at the time, a wholesome upbringing and a place to come out of his autism/Asperger shell. They accomplished that and surely found what they were looking for!
Austin, now 23, just started his first year at Moody Aviation, a missionary mechanic/pilot program through Moody Bible Institute and he too believes that “with God all this are possible!” You can find him at BiggerThanAutism.com.
Tammy is a visionary, embracer, always positive, and always focusing forward. She and her husband don’t leave any stones unturned, believe that all things are possible, and let God lead the way.
Hobbies: Tammy loves working with her hands and being creative. She loves to do black ink, watercolor, pencil art, tin tinkering, leather work (especially using her grandfather’s leather treadle sewing machine), all of which you will soon find in their family store. She also loves delving deep into natural medicines, foraging from the wild, gardening and preserving food, hunting, fishing, trapping and her greatest blessings come from spending time with those she loves and being home in their tranquil homestead setting. She needs little to be happy and really doesn’t have much of a desire to leave her homestead.
Values: God first, self, her husband, her family, and her friends. After her life-saving surgery in 2016 and four year healing journey, Tammy strives to be the best she can be in all aspects of life and enjoys inspiring others to do the same. Taking good care of herself is a priority and allows her to be the best she can be for those that matter most. Integrity and not only talking the talk, but walking the walk are extremely important to her.
“The best things in life happen on the other side of our comfort zone.”
“Amazing things happen in the still, quiet, peaceful moments we allow in our lives.”
“Homesteading is like a marriage: It takes time, faith, patience, understanding, love, tenderness, strength, and the willingness to work through the unexpected.”
Featured in: Tammy and her family have been featured twice on the cover of The New Pioneer Magazine. You may have also seen her work in American Frontiersmen, Backwoodsman, Prepare, Cabin Living, Survivor’s Edge, Self Reliance Illustrated, and soon to be in Prepper Survival Guide and Backwoods Survival Guide.
Tammy’s Books: Tammy is the author of How To Embrace An Off-Grid Lifestyle; Our Journey And A Step By Step Look At The Lifestyle, The Trayer Wilderness Cookbook, and she is an International Best Selling Author with the book she co-authored titled Courage Under Siege; Adversity To Victory.
Connect with Tammy:
Website: TrayerWilderness.com
Tammy’s books: Trayerwilderness.com/tammytrayer
Listen to Tammy’s podcast, Mountain Woman Radio on iTunes, Stitcher, iHeartRadio, and TuneInRadio.
Tammy is an experienced speaker in regard to all her passions and enjoys doing off-grid and homestead consulting helping others to embrace their dreams. Contact her through ask@TrayerWilderness.com for event information, scheduling, and consulting.
Photo by Thomas Kirchen