Tammy Trayer, Wilderness Survival Instructor and Homesteading Radio Host | MOTER EARTH NEWS

By Tammy Trayer and Trayer Wilderness
Updated on August 25, 2020
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Tammy Trayer, Wilderness Survival Instructor and Homesteading Radio Host

Occupation: An oxymoron in their off-grid wilderness setting, Tammy Trayer is a web designer and programmer by trade, but her passions are writing, educating, and helping others. Tammy is a wife, mother, author, freelance writer, speaker,  photographer, videographer, creative, radio show host at Mountain Woman Radio, educator at TrayerWildernessAcademy.com, homesteader, off-grider, advocate for autism, advocate and survivor of breast implant illness, and lover of life! Tammy and her family also sustain themselves on their God-given talents selling their handcrafted wares on their website and locally.

Residence: Northern Idaho

Background: Tammy and her family can be found at TrayerWilderness.com, where they share their faith-led preparedness, off-grid, and homesteading lifestyle with the world. Tammy and her family embarked on an off-grid journey a decade ago, traveling 2,500 miles to a raw, overgrown wilderness property they purchased sight-unseen and set up a wall tent that they called home for 8 1/2 months while they built their off-grid homestead. On Good Friday of 2020, they sold their labor of love and are embarking on their new off-grid journey: starting once again from the ground up building a unique tiny log cabin — and Tammy would like to take you along for the ride!

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