Sven Eberlein, Ecocity Builder
Name: Sven Eberlein
Occupation: Wordsmith, Creative Muse, Whole Systems Thinker, Ecocity Advocate
Place of Residence: San Francisco, California
Background: Sven is a San Francisco-based writer and whole systems thinker covering topics ranging from Biomimicry and Benefit Corporations to Urban Prototyping and Zero Waste. He’s a regular contributor to YES! Magazine and Shareable, and his work has been published in Grist, Ode, Sojourners, Alternet, Planetizen, and many others. A creative muse at heart, Sven’s holistic approach to storytelling is rooted in his musical rhythms and photographic sensibilities.
As a member of UN-accredited nonprofit Ecocity Builders’ communications team and the International Ecocity Framework & Standards’ core advisory committee, Sven has been intimately involved in the advancement of ecologically healthy cities for quite some time. His natural affinity for car-free living, however, dates all the way back to his first tricycle ride down the middle of a city street in his native Germany.
When he’s not presenting ecocity solutions at international conferences, Sven can be found wandering around his multicultural San Francisco neighborhood in search for new murals, tasty street food, and unicyclists in leotards.
Current Projects: Together with a team of international ecocity pioneers, Sven is currently hard at work developing the Ecocitizen World Map Project, a global initiative connecting neighborhoods on-the-ground with online crowd-mapping tools designed to explore, understand, and measure holistic urban health from a citizen’s perspective. Based on a bottom-up approach to documenting environmental conditions at the neighborhood scale, the Ecocitizen World Map Project will ultimately be integrated into UrbInsight, an online platform designed to strengthen citizens’ capacity for data collection and analysis, and to contribute crowd-sourced data to existing networks.
More Places to Find Sven on the Web: