Sarah Cuthill, Potter, Painter and Homestead Maker
Name: Sarah Cuthill
Full-time Homesteader
Place of Residence: Sonora, Calif.
and Personal History: Sarah Cuthill lives with her husband and young
daughter in an old Californian gold-rush town and is learning to be more
self-reliant through gardening, animal husbandry, and making things from
scratch. Sarah grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area knowing nothing of farms
or farmers until moving to a small house on a rented quarter-acre lot in the Sierra Nevada foothills in her late twenties. By trade,
Sarah is a potter, a painter, and a candlestick maker… well, scratch that last
one. She also loves to take photos of her daily life on her family’s teeny tiny
farm and all the animals that inhabit it.
Sarah’s life
goal is to work toward a life where she knows where her family’s food
comes from, how it was raised, how it was harvested, and to just get back to
basics. Coming from absolutely no agricultural background whatsoever, she is
taking big steps to learn everything from the beginning — sometimes it’s the
right way, and sometimes it’s the wrong way. Sarah loves to share her successes
(and failures) with others who are just starting out on their own homesteading
and farming journey as well.
Current Projects: Blogging about the daily life of
raising backyard chickens, raising and breeding French angora rabbits for meat
and wool, raising quail for meat and eggs, gardening, how to make things from
scratch, and how to do various do-it-yourself projects around the farm.
Other Fun
Facts: Sarah teaches ceramics classes in her “spare time” and
co-directs a summer arts camp for children.
More Places to Find Sarah on the Web: Sarah’s family
blog can be found at: