Richard Hilderman Ph.D.
Occupation: Retired. Now blogging for MOTHER EARTH NEWS on Understanding Climate Change.
Residence: Richard resides with his wife Karol, 7 dogs and one token cat. They split living between their homes in Liberty, South Carolina and Sunset Beach, North Carolina
Background: Over the years Richard has become increasingly concerned about climate change and global warming. He spends a tremendous amount of time researching climate change and global warming, which has led to presentations to various groups and the publication of several articles in various newspapers.
Personal History: Richard was born and raised in Miles City, Montana. Growing up he was exposed to ranching and wildlife and developed a love for the environment and biology. He graduated from Jamestown College in North Dakota with a BS in biology. Richard decided to pursue a career in molecular biology and graduated from the University of Missouri with a Ph.D. in microbiology. He furthered his education with a postdoctoral fellowship in biochemistry at the University of Connecticut Health Center prior to taking a faculty position at Clemson University. At Clemson he focused his research on understanding how vasoregulators work at the molecular level to control blood pressure. Prior to retirement in January 2009, he served as the Founding Chair of the Department of Genetics and Biochemistry along with being the Director of the Clemson University Genomic Institute.
Current Projects and Other Fun Facts: Richard has always had dogs and this led him and his wife to become Vizsla breeders/exhibitors. They competed with their dogs in confirmation, obedience and hunting tests prior to Richard becoming an American Kennel Club conformation dog show judge. He has served the Vizsla Club of America and the Senior Conformation Judges Association in numerous capacities including being president of both organizations. Richard is a member of the Canine Health Foundation committee that does peer review of research proposals pertaining to the health and well being of canines. He is also a vegetable gardener and over the years has given vegetables to senior citizens and to a home for abused women. Richard and his wife own a house on Sunset Beach, North Carolina which is located on an island that is a turtle sanctuary. This led Richard to become concerned about the plight of sea turtles and thus more research. When Richard and his wife move permanently to Sunset Beach he plans to become involved with the local sea turtle rescue/patrol group.