Pete Kennedy, President of Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund
Name: Pete Kennedy, Esq.
Occupation: Attorney and President of the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF)
Place of Residence: Florida
Getting Started in Food Rights Advocacy:
Pete Kennedy stays busy working in the food rights movement, i.e., the right to obtain the food of your choice from the source of your choice. After surviving a bout with eye cancer, Pete became a subscriber of Acres USA and learned about the Weston A. Price Foundation founded by Sally Fallon Morell who is the author of Nourishing Traditions. After getting favorable results from shifting his diet to include traditional nutrient-dense foods, he offered to do legal research for the foundation and soon found himself publishing the first comprehensive compilation of state laws on the production and distribution raw milk for human consumption. When Sally initiated the formation of the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund (FTCLDF), Pete was asked to serve on the Board; when it launched July 4, 2007, he was serving as vice president.
About the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund:
FTCLDF is a 501(c)(4) nonprofit whose primary mission is to protect and expand the rights of farmers and consumers to engage in direct commerce without government interference and harassment. Membership is $125 per year for farmers and artisan food producers and just $50 for consumers. Benefits include unlimited consultation with Fund attorneys on matters within the mission statement, a 24-hour Hotline and even possible representation in court if necessary and approved [IRS regulations prohibit the guarantee of representation and the Fund reserves the right to refuse or limit its scope of representation].
Visit the website at and check out the Agtivist wares like tees, buttons and bumperstickers at the online store. Be sure listen to episodes of the Food Rights Hour podcasts and read other Food Rights News posts. Become a subscriber to stay apprised of issues that can affect you, your food and your family. You can even register for an upcoming Fundraising event and have the opportunity to meet some of the board members and enjoy fabulous foods, often farm-to-fork meals.
Current Projects: Pete works on issues around the country at the administrative and legislative level related to food and agricultural law, including on-farm poultry processing, cottage foods, right-to-farm issues, and the FDA food code.
Other Fun Facts: Pete is also an avid consumer of raw milk and other raw milk products (especially cheese) as well as artisan food products like lacto-fermented veggies, kombucha and breads. Another tidbit, Pete ran the Boston marathon twice in the 80’s.
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More Places to Find Pete and FTCLDF on the Web: