Colleen Vanderlinden, Organic Gardener and Freelance Writer
Name: Colleen Vanderlinden
Occupation: Freelance Writer and Author
City and State: Harper Woods, Mich.
Colleen is the author of Edible Gardening for the Midwest as well as the organic gardening columnist for In addition, she writes about eco-friendly home and gardening for Treehugger and Planet Green.
Colleen gardens on about a quarter of an acre, and she’s slowly but surely claiming every possible inch of space to grow food.
Cool Projects:
Colleen’s past projects include building compost bins, raised beds and self-watering containers. Currently, her family is planning on having their first flock of laying hens in the spring, so she and her husband are working on converting a corner of their garage into a chicken coop. She’s also installing more rain barrels and converting parts of her front yard into edible gardens.
Other Fun Facts:
In addition to being a completely obsessed gardener, Colleen enjoys cooking (especially baking!), reading, candle making and learning to crochet. Her and her husband homeschool their four children, which is an adventure all its own.
More Places to Find Colleen on the Web:’s Organic Gardening page, where Colleen writes about composting, growing organic food, and how to control garden pests and diseases organically.
In the Garden Online, Colleen’s personal blog, which is mainly a journal of what’s happening in her garden, which books she’s reading and recipes she’s enjoyed making.
Her author page at Treehugger, where she posts about how to grow a garden, no matter how little space you have. She also occasionally posts about food safety issues.
Her author page at Planet Green, where you’ll find general gardening articles on a variety of topics, including easy garden projects, amazing gardens and cooking from the garden.
Follow Colleen’s Twitter feed. She posts links to her latest articles, as well as shares news about gardening, farming, homeschooling and other topics.