Kenny Point, Lifelong Backyard Gardener
Name: Kenny Point
Occupation: Kenny’s dream job would likely find him spending days out in the garden with a camera at his side, and nights behind the keyboard of his computer sharing newly discovered growing techniques. In addition to devoting time to gardening and writing articles for the Veggie Gardening Tips website, Kenny works full-time as a Senior Compliance Auditor.
Location: Born in Washington, D.C., Kenny lived in the metropolitan area until moving to Pennsylvania to experience what life would be like on a 40-acre organic farm. He currently resides outside of Harrisburg, Pa., where he tends a garden and honeybees in his Zone 6 region.
Background: Kenny has been gardening since he was 10 years old and began with a few tomato vines in the backyard of his urban neighborhood. The garden expanded each year and rumor has it that the family was forced to relocate because Kenny outgrew the growing space. A chemistry kit that was first used to concoct plant fertilizers back in grade school was abandoned in favor of compost and seaweed when, after high school, he explored the wonders of organic gardening.
Soon after graduating from college, Kenny gave up a great job with the Federal Reserve System in order to take on an internship at an organic farm outside of York, Pa. Friends thought it was a crazy decision, but it turned out to be the best move he could have ever made. During Kenny’s stay on the farm, he went from intern to farm manager, and along the way became the city slicker turned garden guru that even experienced growers looked to for fresh gardening advice.
Current Projects: Sustainable backyard beekeeping with top bar beehives and solitary bee houses. Kenny is also involved in promoting community gardening, local food production initiatives, and saving rare seeds, particularly varieties of beans, greens, hot peppers and ethnic specialties.
Other Fun Facts: Kenny enjoys hiking and camping, and practices primitive Native American skills such as fire by friction, shelter building, natural cordage making, and the use of various wild and medicinal plants. He also enjoys motorcycles, horses, traveling and island excursions.
More Places to Find Kenny on the Web:
The Veggie Gardening Tips Facebook page
The Veggie Gardening Tips YouTube page