Jennifer Dickinson, Homesteading Mishap Maven – Biographies – MOTHER EARTH NEWS

By Jennifer Dickinson
Updated on June 4, 2019
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Jennifer Dickinson, Mishap Maven

Occupation: Mom, nurse, gardener, and chicken keeper

Residence: New Jersey

Background: Jennifer is a suburban girl who never had a garden or picked up a chicken until her late 20s when she discovered a copy of MOTHER EARTH NEWS in the checkout aisle of Whole Foods and was forever changed. She had always valued self-reliance but never considered applying it at the most foundational level — to her food and shelter. All that changed as she took a deep dive into the MOTHER lifestyle. Soon after, Jennifer found herself growing tomatoes in her suburban backyard, composting food scraps, and, finally, housing chickens. She has an interest in self-sufficient living along with the energy and ability to make it happen.

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