Gretchen Anderson, Backyard Chicken Advocate

By Gretchen Anderson
Updated on March 5, 2013
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Gretchen Anderson, Backyard Chicken Advocate 

Occupation: Currently, Gretchen is best known as the spokeswoman for Bogus Basin Mountain Recreation Area, Boise, Idaho.  She has worked for the non-profit ski area for 15-plus seasons. The Idaho transplant grew up with a family who works in the ski industry and knows-well the inner workings of a mountain recreation area. To ski and get paid to talk about it is her dream job — other than being a writer.  Her other job is writing. She is currently promoting her latest book, The Backyard Chicken Fight, a book that chronicles the fights around the country of people who are taking on their municipalities in an effort to legally keep backyard chickens. The book also has a terrific and efficient guide to hen keeping and some fabulous stories of why people love their chickens!  

Place of Residence: Eagle, Idaho (a small bedroom community of Boise). 

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