Erik Thiel, Organic Landscaper and Journalism Student
Name: Erik Thiel
Occupation: Landscaper; journalist student.
Place of Residence: Northeast Pennsylvania
Background and Personal History: Erik grew up on a skateboard and became interested in filming and editing video, which took him to New York City. He completed a 15-week digital filmmaking course there, where he met a teacher who made him like writing. Since then, Erik has been blessed with some great teachers back home in Pennsylvania. Six years in a two-year degree, life is beginning to make sense. Lack of caring for himself in the past has resulted in Erik eating a plant-based diet, practicing meditation, and caring about others and the planet today.
Current Projects: Creating a sustainable home garden to help feed two plant-based diet-eating individuals and to share with friends, family, and neighbors, while landscaping and working towards a two-year journalism degree. Erik’s dad just bought a new home, meaning a second garden location. And Erik has been wondering if starting a guerilla food forest is possible.
Other Fun Facts: Erik has two female boxers, Rockstar and Sidekick, who also help in the garden. One day, Erik wants to write and direct a feature film. And when he turns 80 years old, Erik is giving up all material possessions and becoming a sadhu. There better be some food forests in India!
More Places to Find Erik on the Web: