Earth Gauge
Earth Gauge is a free information service
designed to make it easy to talk about the links between weather and
environment. Originally developed for weathercasters, the information is also
available to the general public, educators, parents and students.
Location: Washington, D.C.
Background: Earth Gauge is a partnership between the National
Environmental Education Foundation (NEEF) and the American Meteorological
Society (AMS). Through a free, weekly e-newsletter, Earth Gauge provides
environmental content – quick facts, in-depth fact sheets and visuals – to
television weathercasters for use on-air, online and in community outreach.
Currently, Earth Gauge is distributed to more than 200 local
television weathercasters, radio broadcasters and newspaper journalists in 117
cities. Earth Gauge is also distributed to National Weather Service Warning
Coordination Meteorologists, educators, non-profit organizations and other
interested subscribers across the country.
History: The first Earth Gauge e-newsletter was
distributed in 2005 to seven television stations. Today, Earth Gauge content reaches
weathercasters at 170 television stations in 117 cities nationwide!
More Places to Find Me on the Web:
Twitter: @earthgauge
National Environmental Education Foundation: