David Wright, Solar Environmental Architect
Name: David Wright
Place of Residence: Grass Valley, Calif.
and Personal History: David Wright graduated from Architecture School
at Cal Poly
State University
in the 1960s, and then spent two years in Africa as
a Peace Corps Architect. He trained at the University of Utah, studying desert architecture and Arab culture. David was fortunate to be
assigned to both Tunisia and
two very different cultures and climate zones, where he became fascinated with
climate responsive architecture and completed several projects. In Africa, he was exposed to designing with local resources
and climate elements, including natural solar heating and cooling — a
forgotten art/science in the modernized Western World.
When he returned home and completed his architectural licensing
requirements, David settled in Santa Fe,
N.M., home of the ancient
Anasazi and Pueblo Indian cultures. There, a few associates and David discovered
and refined the art of bio-climatic design, which evolved into passive solar design. In the 1970s, the Arab Oil Embargo precipitated the first world energy
crisis and the idea of alternative energy, and passive solar architecture, were
launched across the world, emanating from Santa
In 1978, after designing and monitoring a series of
successful passive solar houses, David authored the book Natural Solar Architecture: A Passive Primer, and began a career of designing naturally heated and
cooled buildings across the country. In 1978, he returned to his native state of California and has lived and worked in the foothills of
the Sierra Nevada
Mountains since then. Knowledge
of his work, and the work of a few other solar pioneers, spread around the world
and became the foundation of todays Sustainable Architectural Design, which, when
blended with modern technology and materials, has revolutionized the international
built environment.
David has written three books on passive solar architecture. His latest is the Passive Solar Primer: Sustainable Architecture. He has also written many articles, including “Passive Solar Design Basics” for MOTHER EARTH NEWS.
He is proud to have been a part of this phenomenon and continues to design buildings throughout the country, lecture, and write books /
articles, and blog on the continuously evolving field of energy efficiency and
design. David believes we are at the dawn of a new sustainable global age.
Current Projects: Custom
residences across the country and sculpture.
Other Fun
Facts: David was once the youngest Eagle Scout in
the world and a MOTHER EARTH NEWS Plowboy!
More Places to Find David on the Web: