Victoria Gazeley: Homesteading Newbie
Recent Articles/Projects for MOTHER EARTH NEWS:City to Country blog. I’m a newbie!
Occupation:Wordpress designer and graphic specialist.
Home:The environs of Gibsons, BCCanada
More Places to Find Me on the Web: Modern Simply Self-Sufficient Living … With Style
A Bit About Me: You know that gut feeling you get when you ‘know’ that something will happen in your life?That deep down feeling of “YES”!?That’s the way Victoria Gazeley felt about her dream of moving to a little homestead on the west coast of Canada.She just ‘knew’ that was where she was meant to be.So in 2008, after more than 20 years of living in apartments and townhouses in the city, she packed up her young son and moved into a tiny, family-restored heritage homesteader’s cabin a few hundred feet from the ocean, surrounded by hills, hemlocks, and two very noisy ravens.On her 6 acres, she’s learning how to be more self-sufficient, with a whole lot of simplicity and a big dash of style.In her work life, she is the owner of a small website design firm, Peace of Mind Web Design, helping small businesses build successful, easy to manage websites and graphics that get results. When she’s not working with clients and developing her homestead, you can find her out exploring and traveling with her family and friends, researching and planning her future non-profit organization/foundation, and contributing her many years of communications experience back to her community. After all those years of city living in apartments and townhouses, she’s finally found her place in the woods. And she can’t imagine it any other way.
Current Projects: Currently planning a re-purposed chicken house for her first chickens, as well as designing an underground cold storage for long term food storage, cold frames and redesigning her land use based on permaculture principles.Let’s see… designing an addition to her heritage log cabin, experimenting with home-made fermented and raw foods, and always learning more about natural home health care.There’s always a lot going on at The Cabin!
Other Fun Facts: When she moved onto her homestead, she had never started a fire.Ever (not successfully, anyway!).She was an early adopter to organic agriculture (or eating the proceeds of organic agriculture), belongs to a raw milk co-op, is involved in Waldorf education, and is always looking for the latest and greatest self-sufficiency project.Oh, and she’s learning to knit after 5 years of saying ‘this year will be the year!’