Chip Means, Director of Sales Development for Pika Energy
Name: Chip Means
Occupation: Director of Sales Development, Pika Energy
Place of Residence: Portland, Maine
Background and Personal History: Chip is a Massachusetts native who permanently relocated to Maine, which offers an idyllic combination of coastal living and mountain wilderness access. He started his career in academic writing, then business media and web development, and now he works in the clean tech sector for Pika Energy. Chip enjoys reading, running, guitars, old school RPGs, homebrewing, vegetarian cooking, being a dad, telling “dad jokes,” and watching a minimum of three movies a week.
Disclosures: Chip’s views on the energy industry and the environment are influenced by his work with Pika Energy, a Maine-based manufacturer of small wind turbines and microgrid electronics.
Current Projects: Chip is working full-time with Pika Energy, as disclosed above, in addition to providing web development support to a handful of small businesses.
Other Fun Facts: His old band, Red Abbott, was once featured on MTV’s 120 Minutes, but it only aired in the United Kingdom (at 2AM).
More Places to Find Chip on the Web: