Name: Brent Strange
Recent Projects for MOTHER EARTH NEWS: Blogging about gardening, bee-keeping and other sundry topics in the suburbs of South East Virginia.
Occupation: Church Custodian.
Place of Residence: Chesapeake, Virginia
Background: I have lived in and around the southern Appalachian Mountains except for my time at the coast.I have raised gardens and been around small animals my whole life and just recently had the opportunity to introduce my children and wife to the joys of vegetables from our own garden and herbs outside the kitchen door.Most of my experience is theoretical but I am working on putting that theory into practice as my budget, time, and city ordinances allow!
Personal History: Honestly it is rather boring.I am married with two daughters and live in the southeastern part of Virginia (Zone 7b if that matters) and hope to take a Master Gardener’s class with my wife.I’m 35, like to read, bike to work (most days) and generally enjoy being outside.I was not raised on a homestead but my parents taught me the value of hard work, enjoying rest, and the importance of stewarding the gift of the creation we enjoy.
Current Projects: Building raised beds for more garden space in the spring, preparing a bee hive for the spring, renovating our bunny hutch, building quail housing, petitioning city council for chickens, drooling over Meadow Creature broadforks, planning on seed purchases, and working out a plan to sell veggies at our local farmer’s market.
Other Fun Facts: I ride a Surly Big Dummy, have attempted to garden with two broken wrists (really dumb idea), work as a custodian to pay the bills and enjoy being with family at home.I taught myself to knit and am having the devil of a time getting a hat to work out right!