Amanda Goble, Animal Trainer and Rabbit-Rearing Homesteader
Name: Amanda Goble
Occupation: Amanda puts her love for animals and the environment to work as a professional animal keeper and trainer at a public aquarium.
Place of Residence: Beaufort, North Carolina
Background and Personal History: A native of North Carolina, Amanda was raised in the mountains and now lives by the sea. She has a deep appreciation of the natural world and humanity’s connection to it and aims to foster the same love in others.
Current Projects: Amanda currently produces pasture-raised rabbits for meat and aims to create recipes that will increase the popularity of this healthful meat source. She’s transforming her recently purchased, previously-neglected rural property into a thriving homeplace: Current projects include planting a garden full of heirloom vegetables and growing many varieties of blueberries and other fruit. Add that to a pile of DIY projects and making various food and toiletry products for her home, and Amanda is one busy millennial!
Other Fun Facts: Amanda firmly believes that libraries are much more enjoyable places than shopping malls, and that one is never – ever – too old to build a blanket fort.