Alexandra Douglas, Quail and Game Bird Expert
Name: Alexandra Douglas
Occupation: Owner/Manager of Stellar Game Birds, Poultry, Waterfowl, Author
Place of Residence: Ruskin, Florida
Background and Personal History: Alexandra was born in Chicago, Illinois, and raised psittacines at an early age of nine years old. She moved to Oregon for college in 2005 and attended Oregon State University, majoring in Animal Sciences with an emphasis in Pre-veterinarian medicine and Poultry. She was fascinated with poultry as soon as she was handed a day old pharaoh Coturnix quail.
Poultry, Game Bird Experience:
Alexandra has extensive knowledge with Coturnix, but also in nutrition and genetics of poultry. She has been known to have helped many, whether in housing or just incubation or hatching. She is quite the quail lady but also known as a poultry expert by many. She owns Stellar Game Birds, Poultry, Waterfowl, a poultry farm that sells chicks, hatching eggs, and now working on selling its own line of quail cages.
Writing Experience:
Alexandra has been featured in Aviculture Europe and the Heritage Poultry Breeder Association of America for her quail expertise. She has published a 410, full color book on the Japanese Quail called Coturnix Revolution, and is currently working on other pieces, one of which is due to publish soon.
Education: B.S. Oregon State University 2009: Animal Sciences/Pre-vet and Poultry Option
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