5. Anti-Inflammatory Foods: Recipes Stacked With Flavor
Scientific evidence points to how a lifestyle of eating anti-inflammatory foods can lessen and even eliminate inflammation in the body that’s often blamed for diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, allergies, chronic pain, and a variety of diseases and disorders. Shawna Coronado completely relearned how to eat, exercise, and live an anti-inflammatory lifestyle with the help of her medical professionals after her diagnosis of severe spinal osteoarthritis. She now has 80 percent less inflammatory pain and walks 3 miles every day. Anti-inflammatory foods have made a big difference for Coronado, and they can for you too. Learn tips Coronado has employed on how to build and successfully stay on an anti-inflammatory food plan. Find out how to add tremendous flavor to your diet, how to negotiate plate portions, what foods are the most anti-inflammatory, and how to safely meal prep. Coronado teaches how to live a wellness lifestyle filled with delicious whole, natural foods that will help your family stay healthy, feel better, and have more energy (while reducing aches and pains and chronic inflammation).
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