8. Final Interior Touches and Reedbed System

The climate cabin project is nearly complete! In this episode the focus is almost entirely on the interior touches. Head of construction Mike Shellman runs through the utilitarian red cedar countertops, cabinets, and backsplash while project leader Mikael Maynard demos the multi-purpose shelving that also serves as a “room” divider. The duo also reveal a two reedbed treatment systems (and one overflow mulch pit), one catching the water from the kitchen and bathroom sinks and the other catching waste from the cabin’s compost toilet – all through network of pvc piping. Shellman wraps up the episode walking viewers through the cabin’s framed and screened porch. Be sure to tune in to Episode 9! This will be the last installment in this series where Mike and Mikael will reveal the entire project cost!
Follow Mikael’s blog as she journals her experience through this and every phase of the “climate” cabin construction. You’ll find her own musings along with additional research that went into the various decisions made about materials, size, techniques, and more.
For more information on Climate Farming, self-sufficiency and sustainable living, look for Johnny Appleseed Organic on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Stay up to date on developments at the Johnny Appleseed Organic Village by signing up for their free newsletter.
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