6. Chicken Enclosure and Fencing Choices

Queren King-Orozco
Living Aromatically
Join Queren as she discusses the advantages of building a coop and a run versus turning a shed into a coop or using a tractor. She also explores coop sizing, fence types, and maintenance.
Up Next
7. How to DIY a Chicken Coop with What You Already Have
Learn how to use what you have to DIY a chicken coop. Watch an overview of all the parts you need from food to nesting…
Tracy Lynn

8. High Quality Chicken Egg Production
If your reason for getting chickens is the supply of delicious, fresh eggs, learn here what nutrition is necessary for egg quality. Also, Queren informs…
Queren King-Orozco

9. Dust Bathing
Learn more about why chickens dust bathe and the benefits. At what age do chickens begin dust bathing? What is phantom dust bathing? Free range…
Lisa Sweet

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