Become a Solar Installer or Solar Technician

By Linda Pinkham
Published on December 31, 2009
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Organizations such as Solar Energy International can train you to be a solar installer or solar technician.

I’m thinking about a career as a solar installer or solar technician. Where can I go to get training?

Jason Casey
Denver, Colorado

Despite a sluggish economy and a serious slow-down in the construction industry, solar installers and technicians are in short supply in some regions. This is a great career choice!

Some states have particular licensing requirements, such as participating in a solar apprenticeship program, so you should start by checking out what’s required in your state. It’s possible to get into the industry simply by working with an established solar energy installer, but you can make your application more attractive to potential employers by acquiring a basic education in solar energy.

A number of renewable energy training programs have recently sprung up across the country in the private sector, and at universities and community colleges as well. While many excellent programs are available, two are noteworthy because they have been around for more than a decade, successfully training many of the renewable energy entrepreneurs in business today. These two successful models should be the standard against which you compare any other solar education programs you’re considering closer to home.

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