Living with Renewable Energy Systems: Wind and Solar

By John D. Ivanko And Lisa Kivirist
Published on April 30, 2018
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The authors made their homestead as energy-efficient as possible before switching to power generated by a wind turbine and solar panels.
The authors made their homestead as energy-efficient as possible before switching to power generated by a wind turbine and solar panels.
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By cantilevering solar panels off a shed wall, the authors saved money on mounting racks and trenching.
By cantilevering solar panels off a shed wall, the authors saved money on mounting racks and trenching.
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A group tour learns about the solar and wind systems at Inn Serendipity, the authors' bed-and-breakfast.
A group tour learns about the solar and wind systems at Inn Serendipity, the authors' bed-and-breakfast.
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Since their homestead was already connected to the grid when they moved in, the authors decided it made sense to choose grid-tied renewable energy systems.
Since their homestead was already connected to the grid when they moved in, the authors decided it made sense to choose grid-tied renewable energy systems.
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These preserves have been grown and canned at the authors' renewable-energy-powered business.
These preserves have been grown and canned at the authors' renewable-energy-powered business.
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The authors grow and preserve produce from the garden at their business, Inn Serendipity.
The authors grow and preserve produce from the garden at their business, Inn Serendipity.
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Generating their own renewable energy on-site has been pivotal to the authors' self-reliance.
Generating their own renewable energy on-site has been pivotal to the authors' self-reliance.

Since moving to our 5-acre homestead in southwestern Wisconsin more than 20 years ago, our goals have been to maximize self-sufficiency, minimize energy use, and untether ourselves from fossil fuels and the emissions associated with burning them. We quickly realized that getting a house in order first, rather than immediately installing renewable energy systems such as a wind turbine or photovoltaics, would be far more cost-effective with respect to energy use and consumption.

To this end, we switched to energy-efficient lightbulbs and sealed up our old 1,900-square-foot farmhouse as best we could with new windows, caulk, and insulation. Within a few years of buying the homestead, we began using a solar thermal system to meet our domestic hot water needs. We fired up a Lopi Endeavor woodstove for our primary heat source. We also adjusted our behavior, including line-drying our laundry and cooling the house with fans instead of air conditioning. We learned to grow our own food, prepare it in our kitchen, and preserve our garden harvest by canning and freezing. For us, our approach to renewable energy systems matched our approach to food systems, area ecological systems, and, in terms of our livelihood, financial systems: Everything relates to everything else.

After about five years of whittling down our electricity use — from 12,000 kilowatt-hours per year to 9,000 kWh per year — we found that our usage was more manageable for a renewable energy system, and we began exploring options for generating electricity on our homestead.

We have an all-electric property, where we both work as writers, authors, and owners/operators of Inn Serendipity bed-and-breakfast — and John is a photographer. Since our homestead was already connected to the grid when we moved in, simply using the grid for surplus electricity storage made the best economic sense and sidestepped the maintenance and battery disposal aspect of an off-grid backup system. Renewable energy systems didn’t affect how our appliances operated or what appliances we could use; everything electric in our house is an Energy Star certified appliance.

Pivotal to our ability to generate our own affordable energy were the educational resources available from the Midwest Renewable Energy Association (MREA) and the pages of MOTHER EARTH NEWS. Equally important, however, were the financial incentives — both federal and state — available at the time for the installation of new renewable energy systems.

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