While the world has been distracted by hula hoops, pet rocks, dot coms, fiber optics and the latest new App to hypnotize the masses, engineers, and inventors have quietly been at work trying to understand what Tesla meant when he said, “Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point in the universe.”
We have not taken these words lightly. This was a man with a visionary mind who had an experience walking through a park in Budapest that allowed him to see how matter forms from the substance of space. This vision during a heightened sense of awareness enabled his invention of the alternating current motors and generators that enabled the industrial age. Without these two inventions all fossil fuels would by now have been exhausted feeding Edison’s direct current machines.
U.S. Patent 433,701 – Alternating-Current Motor
Since Tesla’s vision, and before, there have been those with an inkling, an intuition, a knowing, that have been driven to experiment with a way to make energy without consuming resources. They will tell you space is not empty as has been taught and that the second law of thermodynamics must be modified to take this fact into account. Recently physicists who go into catatonic shock when the idea of an Aether is suggested, now believe that space is filled with what they call the Higgs Field and they claim to have found the Higgs Boson, all the while yammering on about super strings, dark energy and dark matter.
In the 21st Century, we are using energy conversion techniques discovered and put into use in the 19th century. Yes, the photovoltaic effect, steam turbines, fuel cells were all invented in the 1800’s. Nuclear power is based on heating water to make steam to turn a turbine connected to a generator, what a concept! Energy conversion efficiency to generate large scale electric power has been stuck at a meager 30% due to the self imposed limitations of the 20th century mindset in physics. The 21st Century will soon see a manifestation of Tesla’s vision.
The Breakthrough
By eliminating back-torque through innovative magnetic circuit design, a reactionless AC generator has been built and tested. The Tewari Reactionless Generator (RLG) is now profiled in a new movie scheduled for release in Austria in March. The film debuted at the Viennale Film Festival.
Below is a review of the movie as seen through my eyes.
Movie Review: Out of the Void
On October 28th, 2015, the documentary film Out of the Void premiered at the Vienna International Film Festival. As far as I know, this is the first time a film of this nature has been presented to an international audience at a film festival. The film is in part a docudrama about the attempt to go beyond the known frontiers of science and to literally go into the void to extract energy.
It begins with film footage from the 1920’s of the Austrian Researcher Karl Schappeller during the time he attempted to design and build a device to harvest energy from the Aether. Schappeller did not succeed but his writings and work have been kept alive by a dedicated team of researchers from the UK and Austria who found and preserved drawings and documents found behind a stairway in the castle that served as his research lab.
The actors and production crew including, video, sound, editing, and set design succeed in recreating the work and vision of Schappeller. Interviews with local residents, now in their 80’s and 90’s are interlaced throughout the film adding a touch of authenticity to a man who was once the subject of wide press coverage and who became a local legend. The castle survives to this day and is available to the public for meetings and events.
The film jumps to the future and features a demonstration of a machine invented by Professor Claus Turtur from Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences in Wolfenbüttel, Germany. The demonstration takes place in a wooden shack adjacent to the devastation of a coal strip mine. It is a high-voltage static apparatus slowly turning in a static electric field. It has been shown that the mechanical output is substantially over unity. It is obvious at this point that the laws of physics must be modified. The film then covers the current research, experiments and theories of Paramahamsa Tewari and documents tests of his Reactionless Generator filmed at his lab in India.
In his Space Vortex Theory (SVT), Mr. Tewari postulates and then proves by deductive reasoning the fundamental nature of a space and matter. The void makes up the interior of the electron and is created from the Aether as Nikola Tesla described when he said, “All perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, or tenuity beyond conception, filling all space, the akasha or luminiferous ether, which is acted upon by the life giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never ending cycles all things and phenomena.”
Tewari has proven the existence of the Aether (ether) using Space Vortex Theory to build machines with efficiencies greater than one. Efficiencies as high as 2.38 have been measured. A more detailed description of the system tests is available at the links below. This discovery is a verification of his theories and those of other physicists such as Descartes, Maxwell, Helmholtz, and Kelvin. These physicists have pointed out that space is not empty as has been taught for over one hundred years.
Tewari’s discovery requires that the laws of physics as now taught must be modified to recognize that space is not empty and that the substance of space is the origin of matter as described in the Upanishads and known by the ancient seers of India for more than 10,000 years.
As Tesla also explained: Ere many generations pass, our machinery will be driven by a power obtainable at any point in the universe. Paramahamsa Tewari, an electrical engineer and retired Executive Director of The Nuclear Power Corporation of India has built, demonstrated, and has had third party verification of a generator that produces more power than it consumes thus affirming Tesla’s vision.
Out of the Void is scheduled to be released to theaters in Austria in March. The film is being submitted to other film festivals and distribution in other countries is under consideration.
The next showing of the film will be at the Diagonale Festival in Graz, which takes place from March 8th to March 13th. Please see the trailer. Sit down, turn up the sound and buckle your mental, emotional, and physical seat belts. The English version is here. The German version is here. Scroll down past the description to see the trailer and click on the play button in the middle of the picture.
Announcement of the film debut. Official Release: March 11 – 2016. Vienna, Stadtkino/Künstlerhaus on the evening of March 11th. Saturday, March 12th it will be in Linz, Moviemento-Cinema. March 14th to 16th it will be in Salzburg and Innsbruck.
Reactionless Generator Update
A new version of the RLG is under construction and is expected to be tested by the end of the year. Details to follow, as Mr. Tewari makes them available. More information is at the Out of the Voidwebsite. From the gallery, scroll through using the arrow on the right for scenes from the film. See also the Austrian Films website.
More Information on the Reactionless Generator can be found by following these links.
1. Test Report
2. Economic Times of India Report
3. www.Tewari.org
Why we need this now. Please review the articles I have posted on www.MotherEarthNews.com and pass on these thoughts as you see fit.
1. We Only Have One Chance To Get It Right: Transition to Renewable Energy
2. Why Life Exists on Earth: A New Perspective on Carbon Emissions
3. Criminal Racketeering by the Fossil Fuel Industry Suppresses an Industry And Accelerates Climate Change
References: Tesla Universe PDF.
Toby Grotzis a Food Not Lawns Kansas City course instructor and organizer. He is also working on increased efficiency generator and transformer design applications. Read all of Toby’s MOTHER EARTH NEWS posts here.
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