Top Trees That Attract Bees

By Laura Dell-Haro
Published on June 3, 2020
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by Flickr/jacki-dee
The showy blooms of native sourwood trees are a good nectar source for bees and other pollinators.

It’s old news that beekeepers are struggling to provide diverse, pesticide-free forage for their colonies, as scientists have been voicing alarm about the decline in pollinator populations for more than a decade. But part of the solution to help today’s stressed, malnourished bees may be in your own backyard: Consider the incredible quantity of nectar produced by a tree in bloom. Now consider the compounded effect of many trees blooming in strategic sequence throughout the growing season.

David Hughes of Rock Bridge Trees mail-order nursery markets a collection of trees that are perfectly suited to pollinators and, most importantly, that bloom successively during most of the growing season. “If you’re going to have trees in your landscape, let them be both beautiful and useful,” Hughes says. Heavily blooming shade trees top his list of bee-friendly tree species.

Increased diversity and security of nectar and pollen sources benefit honey bees in manifold ways, such as reduced stress, increased life span, heightened immune system response, more precise communication and, yes, increased honey production.

For diverse bee forage from early spring through late summer, consider the following trees for your property:

  • black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia),
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