Tornado Safety, Singing Frogs, and Other Spring Topics

By Fred Schaff
Published on April 1, 1994
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Singing frogs: the high-pitched chorus produced by Spring Peeper is one of the season's most familiar sounds.
Singing frogs: the high-pitched chorus produced by Spring Peeper is one of the season's most familiar sounds.
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Diagram shows celestial objects you can expect to see in mid-April at about 40° north latitude, about 45 minutes after sunset.
Diagram shows celestial objects you can expect to see in mid-April at about 40° north latitude, about 45 minutes after sunset.
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If you liv on the open prairie, a storm cellar is essential for tornado safety.
If you liv on the open prairie, a storm cellar is essential for tornado safety.
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Diagram shows late April celestial events at about 40° north latitude, about 45 minutes after sunset.  
Diagram shows late April celestial events at about 40° north latitude, about 45 minutes after sunset.  

If you’re looking for that wonderful thing called variety,
you certainly can find it in nature. And especially in
spring. Among our spring event topics in this column for April and May
are tornado safety, singing frogs, eclipses, and May
Day–the holiday that leads off the month of flowers.

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