Red Fox Facts: History, Habitats and Habits

By David Petersen
Published on September 1, 1987
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The most common of foxes, Vulpes vulpes, the red fox, calls most of North America home, but few people have had the pleasure of seeing one.
The most common of foxes, Vulpes vulpes, the red fox, calls most of North America home, but few people have had the pleasure of seeing one.
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Distribution of the Red Fox in North America.
Distribution of the Red Fox in North America.

Please let me introduce you to a red-haired stranger, learn red fox facts including their history, habitats and habits.

Red Fox Facts: History, Habitats and Habits

If you live in any of the lower 48 states, Canada or
Alaska, at least one of the five North American fox species
— red, gray, kit, swift or arctic — is your

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