Capture Magic Moments in Nature Photography

Learn the mechanics of capturing expert wildlife shots.

Reader Contribution by Andrew Weidman
Published on December 21, 2021
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by Andrew Weidman

One of the best parts of photography, especially wildlife photography, is the magic moments.  You know what I mean: Everything just falls in place in the most unexpected and beautiful way that you know, you just know, you just got something special. The setting, the lighting, and the subject come together to create something you couldn’t even have hoped for.

The photo above is one of those moments.

Late last fall, my wife and I decided to visit one of my favorite photography spots, a local wildlife reserve managed by the State Game Commission. We arrived just as the sun settled on the horizon, technically a little late to set up for great shots, but we chose to walk out to the lake point anyway. I’m glad we did; magic was waiting for us, and you miss every shot you don’t take.

What Are the Golden Hour and Blue Hour for Photographers?

Photographers like to talk about Golden Hour and Blue Hour, when the light takes on almost mythic qualities: soft, directionless, even, and glowing. That’s a lot of subjectivity and opinion going on there. Let’s start with what the heck they even are — and aren’t. First of all, they aren’t actually an hour long, although they could be, if you’re in the right place. I know, that’s clear as mud.

Golden hour is the period of time when the sun is low on the horizon, what hunters call long-shadow time, sunrise and just after, and sunset and just before. In the tropics, I’m told, Golden Hour is measured in minutes, or even seconds. In contrast, polar Golden Hours reportedly can last all day. Around here, it never lasts long enough.

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