Kill Ants Naturally With Orange Peels

By Ward Stern
Published on September 11, 2013
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Photo By Fotolia/loredanacatana
D-Limonene, an extract found in orange peels, acts as a natural ant deterrent.

I recently read an article that claimed orange peels can kill ants. An extract found on the peels, D-Limonene, kills the ants by destroying the wax coating on the insect’s respiratory system.

While cooking breakfast one morning, I discovered three things: We had many small ants in our bacon grease container, an orange in the fruit basket, and a desire to avoid commercial ant killer.

I placed equal amounts of orange peel and water into a blender to form a paste. I placed the orange paste into a small, recessed plate and used a jar lid in the middle as an elevated platform to support the bacon grease container. Any ant’s access to the bacon grease required crossing — and making direct, prolonged contact with — the paste. According to my experience, this barrier of orange paste will work for at least 72 hours.

Ward Stern
New Hope, Alabama

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