List of Edible Plants with Pictures

By Ernest J. Karhu
Updated on June 9, 2023
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by Adobestock/erika_mondlova
Strawberry Fragaria vesca

Follow our list of edible plants with pictures of to forage a world of groceries free for the picking.

I learned at an early age that our home in the country was surrounded by groceries “free for the picking”. Wild edible plants of strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, dewberries, elderberries and wild grapes contributed to my summer fare. The aroma of fresh berry pie and canned wild fruits remains quite vivid in my memory of those days. I especially recall the nearby field of wild asparagus so abundant that most of the spears grew into seed stalks before they could be cut.

Still, although I’ve stalked the wild asparagus since age four, I’ve just begun to really appreciate the value of foraged food such as wild edible plants. Over the years, except for an occasional trip into the country to hunt walnuts, I’d almost forgotten about the wild foods of my childhood. A recent job transfer, however, enabled me to purchase a home near an abandoned vineyard overgrown with several varieties of wild berries. Furthermore, our new house is within a few miles of the MOTHER EARTH NEWS. This fortunate coincidence has opened a new experience of foraging wild edible foods for my entire family.

Most folks view wild vegetation with contempt and as an enemy of the lawn and garden. That which is not a planned part of the suburban development is viewed as being worthless; as an eyesore which detracts from a well-manicured environment. A wide variety of dangerous chemicals has been developed to eliminate such “worthless weeds”. Unfortunately, I’ve seen many a fine wild strawberry patch succumb to chemicals and the lawn mower. Countless vacant lots, once lushly overgrown with a live supply of wild foods, have been transformed into wastelands of barren stubble.

I’d like to suggest with this article that our so-called “weeds” may serve some fundamental purpose — not only to a balanced ecology — but also to human nutrition. Additionally, although the experience of foraging for wild food may not be a panacea for our times, it may yield some positive alternatives to our present system of control.

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