Look into Energy Efficient Washers and Dryers

By The Mother Earth News Editors
Published on December 1, 2006
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Washers and dryers are fascinating objects in their own right, however much water or electricity they may use.
Washers and dryers are fascinating objects in their own right, however much water or electricity they may use.
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This Kenmore Elite set's top-loading washer achieves maximum water extraction through a super-fast spin cycle.
This Kenmore Elite set's top-loading washer achieves maximum water extraction through a super-fast spin cycle.
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While they're more expensive that conventional top loaders, front-loading washers will typically save you $40 to $60 per year in energy costs.
While they're more expensive that conventional top loaders, front-loading washers will typically save you $40 to $60 per year in energy costs.

Energy-efficient washers and dryers can save you money and reduce environmental damage. Laundry machines account for about 5 to I 0 percent of a typical household’s energy bills. Not only can energy-efficient models lower these costs, they also help reduce pollution, including emissions that lead to acid rain and global warming. Efficient washing machines also conserve water.

Making the Right Choice

Consider a front-loading washer.Consumer Reports recommends front-loading, horizontal-axis machines for best all-around performance. Models with this type of axis tumble clothing instead of agitating it-they effectively wash clothing without completely submerging it. Not only does this extend the life of your clothing, it also uses far less water and energy. In fact, tests show that the most efficient of these machines can cut water consumption by about 25 to 50 percent compared with the least efficient, vertical-axis washers rested.

While front-loading washers are more expensive than conventional, vertical axis cop-loaders, you’ll typically save $40 to $60per year in energy costs. The best front-loaders offer gentle action and quiet operation and have ample capacity. In addition, they require less detergent, and their high spin speeds reduce drying rime.

If a top-loader works better for you, some manufacturers offer top loading horizontal-axis models. Other high-efficiency, vertical-axis models are available, but the energy savings are based on the moisture removed during higher-speed spin cycles, not water conservation.

Consider a gas dryer. The major difference among dryers is not in their overall efficiency, but in the type of energy they use to dry the clothes. Gas dryers are generally cheaper to run and have less impact on the environment than electric dryers, generating about 60 percent less carbon dioxide. Gas dryers do cost about $50more, but their greater energy efficiency will make up the price gap in a year or two.

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