More About the Construction of Floor Mats From Old Rubber Tires

By The Mother Earth News Editors
Published on November 1, 1977
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Photo By Fotolia/marinv
Learn more about the construction of floor mats from old rubber tires.

Learn more about the construction of floor mats from old rubber tires and how recycling tires this way can make you money.

As you’ll probably recall, MOTHER EARTH NEWS, NO. 46, pages 104-106 carried an article by Bob Stevenson entitled “How to Earn $100.00 a Day Recycling Old Tires.” Now that article mainly had to do with the collection of “worn out” casings from service stations and garages for subsequent sale to retreaders and recappers. And, since the publication of the piece, we’ve received correspondence from a few folks who tell us that they’ve followed Bob’s directions and successfully put themselves into that particular mini-business.

But that’s not what I want to talk to you about. What I want to talk to you about is the little sidebar (addition to the main article) that appeared at the top of page 105 in MOTHER EARTH NEWS, NO. 46 (reprinted below under “But What Do You Do With Casings That Can’t Be Recapped?”)

Now, all we can say is that there’s one heck of a lot of you fine folks out there who’d like to know about the the construction of floor mats from old rubber tires, and most of you have written or phoned the MOTHER EARTH NEWS offices to ask if we’ve learned anything further about S. & S. Patents.

No, we haven’t. S. & S. seems to have disappeared from the face of the earth. But we do know a little more about this particular recycling business now than we did back when MOTHER EARTH NEWS, NO. 46 was published.

Mainly we know — just as the reprinted sidebar below stated — that there are a fair number of little one-to-ten-person shops around the country still making floor mats from worn-out tires. Some of those shops use old S. & S. machinery, some use a few other brands of equipment, and some use tire slicers and mat assembly frames of their own design.

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