How to Dry Clothes Without Dryer

By Ingrid Butler
Updated on April 2, 2024
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by Adobestock/Caseyjadew

Take advantage of the sunshine by learning how to dry clothes without dryer. It’s easier than you might think.

Drying clothes outside is perhaps one of the easiest things you can do to reduce your electricity bill. Clothes drying in a summer breeze is a common sight in Europe; my grandparents had a portable drying rack that took advantage of the sunshine and a few laundry lines in the basement for other days (and, of course, for the “unmentionables”). The outdoors imbues laundry with such a pleasant, clean scent that’s better than anything you could add to the dryer, and it’s one of the many reasons I look forward to the spring and summer every year here in the Midwest.

I’ve lived without a dryer for two years now, and I’m not looking back. Before, I would handwash and dry only a select few articles of clothing and laundry: fiber art pieces, for example, or particularly delicate clothing (which I admittedly don’t have much of). The meditative quality of hanging up laundry appeals to me: There’s something deeply peaceful about the laundry line swaying in the breeze, absorbing the freshness of the outdoors. And I suspect my cats find it entertaining as well. One will even accompany me to the washing line and watch me put up the laundry.

Drying laundry outside is fairly simple. All you need is a line off the ground and some clothespins. I keep one line in my basement for wintertime and another in my backyard for warmer temperatures. I haven’t encountered any problems with birds or insects; they seem uninterested in the laundry. I prefer to set the laundry out in the morning and collect it near the end of the day; with this method, I’ve only very rarely had something that was still damp, and that was typically a denser piece, such as a winter blanket, which I’d then stash on the basement line. Here are some tips to help you get started.

  • An outdoors clothesline can be as practical or as customizable as you’d like.
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