The Real Story on Electric School Buses in the U.S.

The good news about making the transition to electric school buses is the widespread nonpartisan support among Americans.

Reader Contribution by Seth Leitman
Published on February 11, 2022
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by Green Living Guy Productions
GreenPower Motor Company electric school buses being built in California.

There are about half a million school buses in America today, and nearly 95 percent of them run on diesel. Not to mention that the transportation industry is the largest emitter of greenhouse gases, contributing to a warming planet. With air pollution being a concern, it’s particularly more troublesome for children riding school buses where air pollution is up to 12 times higher.

More than 25 million kids ride school buses to and from school. That means that 25 million kids are breathing in harmful fumes throughout the school year that may result in a greater risk of triggering respiratory reflexes and illnesses, especially for children with underlying conditions like asthma.

Therefore, transitioning to electric school buses is a clear solution. But, there is a lot on the table, like the cost of electric school buses, charging stations, and funding.

Funding Electric School Buses

The good news about making the transition to electric school buses is the widespread non-partisan support amongst Americans. A 2021 poll conducted by the American Lung Association, ALA, found that more than 70% of voters agree that transitioning diesel school bus fleets to zero-emission buses are important and support the investment.

In addition, more than 82% of voters agree that reducing air pollution around children is common sense and not a Republican or Democratic issue. The hindrance isn’t support; it’s cost.

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