A Critical Look at MOTHER’s Underground House

By The Mother Earth News Editors
Published on March 1, 1983
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The southern exposure of our earth sheltered/underground house is dominated by a row of greenhouse windows.

With the MOTHER EARTH NEWS underground house pretty much finished, some of the people involved in its design and construction got together recently to analyze the project (with the benefit of hindsight). Here, then, are some of the topics that were raised at that meeting, as well as a breakdown of a few of the costs involved in building that structure.

The Costs

Our accounting department’s records show $48,855 billed to the earth sheltered house project, which includes materials, contracted labor (such as painting, excavation, and the application of one waterproofing system), and tool rental. Items that have not been installed are cabinetry, finished floors, closets, bathroom fixtures, light fixtures, and appliances. We estimate that it would take another $10,000 to $15,000 to complete the residence.

Furthermore, by applying common ratios of materials-to-labor for construction, we can figure that it would have cost between $115,000 and $125,000 to have had a house like ours built by a contractor with no owner help whatsoever. The average person who decides to put up his or her own home, however, would likely find the price falling somewhere between our out-of-pocket expense and the contracted figures we just mentioned. Consequently, the cost per square foot for a structure built to our exact (and purposely impractical) specifications would amount to between $40 and $85.

Of course, the building could have been constructed for considerably less money, and we’d like to examine some of the design options that would have resulted in a lower per-square-foot price. Bear in mind, however, that most of the changes we’ll mention involve compromises; you’ll have to decide just what represents real economy to you.

The Walls

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