Rubble Bag Houses

Reader Contribution by Staff
Published on January 19, 2011
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The Kay Hybrid combines the best features of two building systems: rubble-filled bags up to windowsill height and a lightweight frame above made with whatever is most practical. 

Earthbag building is extremely adaptable. Bags or tubes can be filled with various materials and stacked like large building blocks. Among the various fill materials that can be used is concrete rubble from collapsed buildings. This concept has great potential for places such as Haiti that is currently overwhelmed with rubble.

There is a tremendous amount of rubble available — so much that it is blocking roads and hindering reconstruction. Instead of trucking the rubble away and disposing of it, why not use it to build affordable housing? Utilizing this abundant local resource would cut building costs, save transport, and create jobs by turning a waste product that’s in the way into much needed housing. (One year after the quake, over one million people are still homeless.)

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