Making Eco-Friendly Choices

By The Mother Earth News Staff
Published on January 22, 2018
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Walking or riding a bike are great transportation options for shorter trips, and help cut pollution and saves you money on gas.
Walking or riding a bike are great transportation options for shorter trips, and help cut pollution and saves you money on gas.
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The “Mother Earth News Almanac” by the Mother Earth News staff provides readers with information about self-sufficient lifestyles of the past and present.
The “Mother Earth News Almanac” by the Mother Earth News staff provides readers with information about self-sufficient lifestyles of the past and present.

The Mother Earth News Almanac: A Guide Through the Seasons (Voyageur Press, 2016), by the MOTHER EARTH NEWS staff is a collection of helpful information and advice to living a self-sufficient lifestyle. The book provides fun and practical ideas on topics such as raising animals, canning, making compost, and more! The following excerpt is from Chapter 2, “Spring.”

You can buy this book from the MOTHER EARTH NEWS STORE:Mother Earth News Almanac

You know, one of the nicest things about sustainable living is the fact that we can all get in on it. Every day, everyone — from grade-school child to retired grandpa — darn well can contribute something meaningful toward preserving our planet’s priceless natural environment.

That’s an important thought to consider, by the way, as all too often we let ourselves be bamboozled into believing that the so-called “action” is taking place somewhere else. This is not true at all. When it comes to the environment, we are the action.

Every decision you make today — whether you’ll drive the car instead of walk; or burn the newspaper rather than recycle it; or throw away the garbage instead of starting a compost pile — directly affects the environment of your neighborhood, your town, your nation, and your planet. Not just now, but from this point on. That’s a big responsibility.

Sure, sure…it may seem small and unimportant to turn off the lights every time you’re the last one out of a room, but there’s more than 300 million people living in this country now. If each one of us turns out the lights that aren’t being used, well, that figures out to a lot of hydroelectric power, nuclear generators, and strip mining of coal that we won’t have to worry about every year. And that is a very good thing for the planet.

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