How To Better Insulate Your House

Consider insulating your home to save money on heating and cooling costs. DIY can provide great insulation savings. Learn today how to better insulate your house yourself.

By Dan Chiras
Updated on January 4, 2023
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by AdobeStock/Alekss

Consider insulating your home to save money on heating and cooling costs. DIY can provide great insulation savings. Learn today how to better insulate your house yourself.

Few people would go outdoors on a cold winter day without a warm coat. But many of us live in homes that are, for all intents and purposes, standing out in the cold wearing nothing more than a light sweater. On cold winter days, we either shiver inside our underinsulated homes, or we crank up the heat — and that wastes a lot of energy. If it has little or none, insulating your home is one of the easiest and most cost-effective measures you can take to save energy and money.

While you may choose to do some of the insulation work yourself, you also have the option of hiring a professional. If you hire an energy auditor, he or she will assess your home’s insulation needs and recommend the proper amount and types for the different parts of your home. Another option is to hire a professional insulation contractor, who will recommend the amount and type of insulation and install it. Whichever option you choose, these tips will help you get started.

How to Assess Insulation Levels

The Attic

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