Clean and Refresh Your Home with Fall Scents

By Kristin Henningsen
Published on September 11, 2020
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by Adobestock/ArtSys

Fall cleaning: It’s not as common a phrase as “spring cleaning,” but preparing our nests for the long winter is just as wonderful as cleaning out the cobwebs after a cold season spent indoors. And using botanical oils to get our homes cozy for fall is a natural way to nix cold-weather illnesses and boost spirits.

Fall Scents to Warm the Home and Heart

Warming botanicals are high in both phenylpropane and terpenoid compounds, among the strongest antibacterial, antiviral and antiseptic agents known in the botanical world, says Marcel Lavabre, author of Aromatherapy Workbook. By carefully using spicy and earthy scents we may not only help prevent harmful viruses from entering our homes, but also help fight the bacteria that tend to accumulate in spaces closed up tight against the elements. In addition to cleansing the home, these warm and inviting scents can stimulate the nervous system and may even sharpen the mind, as new research on rosemary indicates.

  • Anise: The slightly sweet and aromatic scent of anise has spicy undertones. It is commonly described as licorice-like. In addition to being a powerful antiseptic, anise also has antifungal properties, as detailed in a 2005 study in the journal Acta Pharmaceutica. The essential oil makes a potent ingredient in any disinfectant cleanser. Historically renowned all over the world for its medicinal properties, the oil can also be used in a diffuser to promote relaxation and a healthy respiratory system. (Learn how to make your own reed diffuser with our video.)
  • Cinnamon: One of the oldest spices used by humans, cinnamon has a characteristic spicy fragrance. Various studies have reported the strong antimicrobial activity in cinnamon extract, and the essential oil has been found to be especially effective in repelling insects. Cinnamon’s stimulating volatile oils are also vasodilating, increasing circulation and warmth in the body. Use in a disinfectant spray, sachet or simmering potpourri for a delicious-smelling and healthy home.
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