Get More Heat from Your Woodstove or Fireplace This Burning Season

Reader Contribution by Kerry W. Mann, Jr. and Homesteadhow
Published on October 14, 2020

Nothing beats a warm fire on a cold winter day, especially when you are burning firewood you cut, stacked and stoked yourself. 

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As homesteaders surpassing year five, we know a thing or two about heating with wood. Besides our indoor wood stove, we also have an outdoor wood furnace which heats our entire homestead plus our AirBnB rental, our workshop and all of our hot water. We’ve learned some valuable tips and tricks to help maximize the heat from a wood stove and ensure we are running at peak efficiency. 

Maximize draft. Ensure your chimney is clean. This is important for safety and to help prevent chimney fires but it can also increase the efficiency of your wood stove. It’s all about good airflow.  Think of your wood stove like an engine. If you neglect to maintain your engine and its running old, dirty oil and stale gas you won’t get peak performance or maximum horsepower. The same could be said for your chimney- a dirty chimney can lead to fires and poor airflow and overall poor performance.

We bought this drill attachment tool at our local home improvement store and it makes the job of cleaning the chimney easier. At the end of each burning season we clean both our indoor wood stove chimney and our Central Boiler (outdoor wood burner). 

Burn seasoned firewood. I know, this is common sense, but it has to be said. Freshly cut or green wood burns inefficiently and produces large amounts of smoke. Seasoned wood has had an entire year, or season, to dry and burns hotter and more efficiently.

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