- 1 cup white vinegar
- 1/2 cup water
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 2/3 cup Dijon-style mustard
- 1/3 cup sugar
- 2 teaspoons turmeric
- 2 teaspoons dry mustard
- 1/2 teaspoon celery seed
- 2 cups cauliflower florets, broken into small pieces
- 1-1/2 cups cubed zucchini or cucumber
- 1 medium onion, diced large
- 1 small spicy red pepper, seeded and diced (optional)
- In a medium stainless steel pot, make the brine by combining all the ingredients except for the vegetables. Bring to a simmer.
- Add vegetables and simmer 5 minutes, until they just begin to cook. Don’t worry if the brine seems a little too thick; the vegetables will continue to release liquid into the brine.
- Spoon the pickles and brine into clean, hot jars, leaving a 1/2-inch headspace.
- Remove air bubbles with a thin spatula or wooden spoon.
- Wipe the jar rims, and apply lids and rings.
- Process in a water bath canner or steam canner for 15 minutes.
This beloved mustard pickle, which hails from eastern Canada, is a close relative of the British chowchow; both call for a paste of flour or cornstarch to thicken the brine. I shy away from thickeners in canning, so I opted to increase the mustard and lower the sugar to give this pickle brine a creamy consistency and strong mustardy backbone. Might as well double-batch this, because it’s intensely addictive.
Yield: 2 pint jars.
Discover more pickling inspiration and recipes:
Tamika Adjemian is a recipe developer, culinary consultant, and developer of Edible Education programs for camps and private schools. Find Tamika at her website or on Instagram @TamikaAdjemian.

Is there anything better than biting into a crispy pickled cucumber spear, placing a few dill pickle slices on a sandwich, savoring a tasty pickled chutney, or relishing the tang of sauerkraut on a steaming bratwurst? After reading and experimenting with the recipes in Pickled to Please, your answer will be a resounding “no”! If you’ve been considering canning your own pickled products, Pickled to Please is perfect for you. Author Tamika Adjemian has put together a well-rounded collection of methods and recipes for your first foray into canning that will make it easier than ever. Intended for new and experienced home canners, this book covers food preservation methods, safety information, and teaches the “mix and match” approach that demonstrates the easy way to swap out seasonings and spices, vinegars and brines, and fruits and vegetables. Every cook will relish the tips in this cookbook, as Adjemian encourages experimentation with different flavors and combinations to find the perfect pickle. After you’ve mastered the art of pickling, the recipes included will help turn the ordinary into delicious at every meal!
Reprinted with permission from Pickled to Please: A Cookbook of Creative Mix-and-Match Recipes for Pickled Vegetables and Fruits by Tamika Adjemian and published by Ogden Publications, 2019. Buy this book from our store: Pickled to Please or by calling 800-234-3368. Mention promo code MMEPAJZD. Item #9505.