Three Great Recipes for Summer Squash

Reader Contribution by Sheryl Campbell
Published on September 9, 2021
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Lemon Squash and Italian Zucchini, Photo by Sheryl Campbell

Summer is in full swing and your summer squash plants are producing prolifically.  What you need are some quick and simple recipes that use lots of squash, yet tempt the taste buds of the pickiest eater.  You need Crunchy Baked Lemon Squash, Green and Yellow, Coconut Zucchini Bread, and Stuffed Vegetable Tortillas.

Let’s start with the squash.  Not all zucchini or yellow squash are equal. The only two summer squash I grow are Zucchino Rampicante (Italian Zucchini) and Lemon Squash. Both are available from Baker Creek Seeds.  I chose these two for their mild flavor, tenderness, and sweetness. Both are resistant to squash bug infestation, and both grow well without much attention.

I grow the zucchini next to a garden fence and let its strong vines support the light green fruit in the air. This gives me straighter fruit which is easier to slice for cooking. The lemon squash I plant several times in two-plant sets so that I have a continuous supply but can rip out older, leggy plants.

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